Saturday, January 3, 2009

Ready for another year?

Wow, in a blink of an eye and school's already starting in less than 24hours. Well, I'm a little excited and at the same time missing holidays. Especially outings with the bevy! Gahh, I bet I cant go out as frequent as LAST YEAR. ;\ Anyhow, I'm gonna be older by 1 year already. So, gotta be a little more serious in studies. Hopefully I can get into Sub Science, but my brothers asked me to go in Pure Science. Very confused at the moment. ;\ Not forgetting, good luck to the ex-Form5's in their college/university/working life. (:

Currently I'm missing mummy. ;( Being the only girl at home feels boring, no one to talk to. ;\ At the same time, looking forward to see my wishlist come true! :D Also wondering what'd she bought so far. Heeeh. I guess she's in New York by now. Or is she sleeping? Haha. Still considering whether to use iPhone as it's kinda useless in Malaysia. Although it can be used after some hacking, but there's no warranty if anything happens to it! Grr, stupid Malaysia. I guess I'll just wait till it's legalized? Better SAFE than sorry, right? (: Anyway, mummy's gonna be back on Friday. So lets pray for more patience for me. Haha.

As for now, I gotta concentrate on studies. ;) Till here then! Toods! Pssssstt, it's twoeight tomorrow. :D

4th January 2009; 3:20p.m.

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