Thursday, December 6, 2007

New friend. (:

Know what? to think of a title for every post is also a problem. -_- Anyway, today was okay. Thank God I woke up late, occupied half of my day sleeping so that I wont feel so bored. ;p So I woke up around 2.40p.m. and got ready to go Anthony's house. It was raining the wholeee day! Non stop, how great. Had to cycle in the rain to his house and back to mine. -_- So today me, Chong Wei, Yong Seng and Shi Zhen went to Anthony's house as usual. Andand we had a new friend, Xin Lei. ;) She's Shi Zhen's girlfriend, very cute. I love to have new friends, so I was staring at her all day long. ;p But I was just being friendly okay? Had no intension to scare her, hehehe. But she was okay with me, just Anthony who was being a bit too open and made her quite shy. Hahaha. But sooner or later, we would all be just like a family. (: So we talked and joked for the day since it was raining and we couldn't do any outdoor activities. Then in a sudden, they're gone. No idea where have they been, maybe she's just too shy and had to go. Lol. Not long after they went, me and Chong Wei went back too. Then me, my mum and brother went to see my new house and off for dinner. Came back and here I am, blogging. (: That's all I could say today, no pictures too. Boring is all I could say. -_- Tata for now.

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