Friday, September 4, 2009


Hi, world. (: More pictures of JG's farewell partyyy. Before that, will do a little update on my days lately. School was fine, the Form5's are having their trials. Since it's the Puasa month, all the non-Muslims have our recess together. Which means, I'm having recess with my beau! :D Didn't attend school yesterday, over-slept. ;P Anyway, baby and his friends aren't going to school neither, so I'll be all alone. -_- Thank God Jassica accompanied me today. (: And oh, next week will be the last for Jian Guang. :'( So yeah, that's about it. Pictures;
First attempt.
Second attempt.
After many tries, still none is perfect. -_-
We were trying to make JG's "Dream Team" come true. Lol.See how we grow? Lol.
Priscilla (:
NicoleRinaiJoachim ;)
Us girls. :D
Candids. Eating wings laaa.
Favourite ;)
Off to Anthony's, haha.

There's still some pictures with Nicole, hope to get it ASAP. (: Toods!

I feel disturbed for baby going college next year. ;'(

4th September 2009; 10.30p.m.

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